Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brenau Crew Team

Last fall I shot the Brenau University Crew team for my photojournalism photo essay. This started off as a really easy idea. Then, of course, came the reality. I had trouble focusing considering that I was on a boat following the team in a boat on not so smooth water. Manual focus was out of the question, so I prayed that my auto focus would work for me. Then there was the drought. The team had threatened to cancel practice due to lack of water. After, I pleaded they went out for one more practice and I proceeded to get 3 out of the 4 final images. The lighting was even perfect; everything worked out in my favor. It was a really trying experience that I am very thankful for. I learned so much during the shoots and had so much fun. I also found that I am not a photojournalist, but have taken the techniques with me in current and future work.

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